All the world’s a stage, but do some stages create greater anxiety?
“All the world’s a stage” is the now famous line from the opening monologue of the comedy “As you like it”. If we take this as true and we are performers, do some stages cause us to experience greater performance anxiety than others. My experience from working with hundreds of leaders of all seniority is that some stages do in fact cause more performance anxiety than others. For some it could be a panel interview for a much desired role, for others it could be performing at senior leadership meetings or in new, unfamiliar roles. The common feature is the performance anxiety evoked.
What is performance anxiety?
Performance anxiety is a form of anxiety commonly experienced when an individual feels they are performing in front of an expectant audience, particularly if that audience is unknown. The mere anticipation of a public performance can arouse performance anxiety and it is often accompanied with a number of physical signs such as racing heart, sweaty hands and dry mouth. It triggers the body to activate its sympathetic nervous system releasing adrenaline into the bloodstream, the so called “fight or flight” syndrome.
So what can we do about it?
In working with hundreds of clients we have come up with so many strategies to overcome their performance anxiety and I include five of these below to help you the next time you are faced with a fight or flight moment.
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